We’re pleased to share the following press release issued by the City of Campbell River on March 13, 2017:
Campbell River featured in video series on forestry friendly communities
A new initiative showcasing B.C.’s coastal forest sector includes Campbell River in its video series.
“Coast Forest Products Association, the Truck Loggers Association with their members and forest sector partners, launched the initiative to demonstrate the importance of the role forestry plays and has played for many years in coastal, resource-dependent communities,” explains Rick Jeffery, president and chief executive officer of the Coast Forest Products Association. “Forestry Friendly Communities celebrates the proud history and rich future of the B.C.’s world-leading forestry sector.”
Mayor Andy Adams is featured in the video.
“The video highlights the importance of the forest industry in Campbell River, as we are the hub for the coastal forest industry for North Vancouver Island and recognize the importance of the industry to the region,” Mayor Adams says. “Forestry has been an influential industry in Campbell River’s economy and continues to be an economic driver. With a continued healthy forest sector, this is also a great opportunity for global promotion of the Campbell River lifestyle.”
Check out the video at: https://forestryfriendly.ca/campbell-river/
Find more information and join the conversation at www.forestryfriendly.ca. Many of the stories on the website will be posted on Facebook for easy sharing.
Contact: Mayor Andy Adams 250-286-5708