Women In Forestry: Jenn Peschke, RPF
Area Forester, Mosaic Forest Management
In your role, what are your responsibilities? What does your typical day look like?
My responsibilities are very diverse, everything from organizing seedling deliveries for planting programs to writing results and strategies for the Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP). I get to work with and learn from a lot of great people, as well as visit many beautiful places. What I have always loved about silviculture is the diversity of work and how every season brings something new!
How did you get your start in forestry?
I first learned about forestry as a career from my dad, Bernie Peschke. He is a retired Registered Professional Forester (RPF) who began his career on the Coast in silviculture and timber cruising. What initially drew me into applying for the Forest Resource Management program at UBC was that it was science-based – which were the classes I liked most in high school. While attending university, my first summer job was with the UBC Forestry Department helping establish permanent sample plots for armillaria in the Kootenays (Nelson) and marking trees for a windthrow monitoring project in Pacific Spirit Park (Vancouver). The following summers were spent based in Campbell River working for Interfor as a silviculture summer student, where I worked all over the Coast, from Squamish to Terrace. After graduating from UBC in 2002, I continued to work for Interfor until 2016, when I came to TimberWest, now Mosaic Forest Management.
Are there any accomplishments that you are really proud of?
I am most proud of getting my RPF designation in 2004. Every time I use my stamp, I reflect on all the great things I’ve been able to do and be a part of in my career so far. Working in a renewable industry and growing future forests is very rewarding!
What advice would you have for other women who might be considering a career in forestry?
Give forestry a try! If you like science, technology, being outdoors, and working with a great group of people in a renewable and climate-friendly industry it’s a career for you!