Wrapping up National Forest Week: Congratulations to our contest winner, Olivia!

Congratulations to our National Forest Week contest winner, Olivia J.!

“This is my favourite tree. It’s on a trail that’s a 10 min walk from my home. Walking to it, as you turn a corner, you begin to see this beauty emerge in the valley below. A couple more steps and the huge eagle’s nest in the tree top becomes visible. You start to walk closer and you quite literally let out a gasp because of its size. I’m just outside Nanaimo so massive Douglas firs aren’t as prevalent here. She is a wonder!”


Thanks for following us during National Forest Week! Remember to enjoy the Canadian forests year round by taking a walk in woods nearby and get to know your forest, arrange a tree planting with friends and family, care for a newly planted or neglected tree, learn about organizations that demonstrate sustainable forest management, and learn about the prevention of forest fires.